* E-mail is NOT a mandatory field.

* Please don't write here just to advertise your site.
I do take affiliates, though.


The owner of this guestbook has (temporarily) disabled adding new messages.

11:40am 11-24-2019
My HP stories are here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/CrystalNavy/pseuds/LunarCycle

There are several about Barty.
11:37am 11-24-2019
Maybe a channel dedicated to Barty would?
8:54pm 11-23-2019
I know you said not to advertise, but I made a Barty appreciation group of my own, though you need a Discord account to access it.
Replied on: 11:11am 11-24-2019

It's okay in this case, after all you have posted also a couple of messages of substance and your group is on topic very specifically.

Unfortunately I won't be able to join as I don't have a Discord. And I can't imagine what could possibly make me get one, I'm perfectly happy with Skype.


8:45pm 11-23-2019
Oh, I will be.

P.S: Have you heard about AO3? It's a fanfiction site that allows you to merge your stories into an actual series. (It's not owned by me, dw.)
Replied on: 11:05am 11-24-2019

I did not know. Sounds great, I'll definitely check it out as I write in series also about my original werewolf character in Harry Potter universe and in general I like to write in one-shot series. Thanks!


3:48pm 11-23-2019
I fancy myself as having the same kind of feelings as you when it comes to Barty Junior and his family.
Replied on: 5:36pm 11-23-2019

Wow, nice to hear! I seriously thought I was alone in this. It has seemed like everyone else has the opposite view, even if some nonetheless have enjoyed my fanfics and videos.

Thanks for the visit and the message. I hope you come again sometime.


11:22am 02-07-2016
ya boy liam neeson
yo this site is the FRESHEST i love it brother keep doing u
Replied on: 2:21am 02-24-2016

Wow. Thank you!

Sorry it took this long to reply, I'd missed your message below that huge box...I think I need to put that message typing box behind a link until this new guestbook has more messages in it.

But yeah, I'm so glad you enjoyed this site! I hope to get something new up here soon!

- Kieran